Don't miss Gail's latest YouTube talk
about living an authentic life! Click here.
LISTEN to Gail on the Shepherd Radio Podcast. Gail tells about many of her life experiences and her passion for writing her books:
Will the Real Person Please Stand Up and Life Through Loss.
LISTEN to Gail's interview with Athena Dean Holtz on The All Things Podcast. Gail reveals how she discovered the path to freedom that allows her to be the Real Person God intended her to be.
HEAR Gail and Dianne Barker interact on WHBC Radio.
Dianne asks Gail to explain how her fear of rejection evolved, why that discovery helped her rise about her fear, and what her life is like now.
Inspirational Speaker
Gail is an inspirational speaker and workshop leader. During the
50 years she served with the Cru ministry in the US and Asia, Gail ministered to women and spoke at women's conferences in many countries.
An author of four books, Gail especially enjoys speaking about how to be free from fear of rejection. She knows from personal experience how devastating it is to live under the power of that fear.
Her latest book, Living on the Path of Freedom, shows people how to be free from their fears so they can begin to live an authentic life.
To request Gail Porter to speak,
or to ask further questions,
click on the Contact button below
and send a message.
Gail speaks at women's conferences, church and community events, in corporate settings and in group gatherings. She is an experienced retreat speaker and workshop leader.
Some of Gail's favorite topics:
♦ From Hiding to Horizons
Exchange a life of fear for a life of freedom
to be the person God intended you to be.
♦ Living Masked?
Stop pretending to be someone you're not.
Let our authentic self shine through.
♦ Overcoming Fear of Rejection
Stop listening to lies;
start believing God's voice.
♦ What's Your Purpose?
Discover how your personal design
aligns with God's purpose for you.
♦ Forgiveness that Frees
Want to be free from your offender?
Unhook yourself by forgiving and walking away.
♦ Finding Life through Loss
A new life may be waiting for you
just around the bend.
Click here to listen to Gail's interview
about handling grief, hosted by author
and speaker, Cynthia Simmons,
on "Heart of the Matter" radio.
View Gail's Author Page on the
Redemption Press website.