My blog is a safe place to think, feel, and be honest about loss and life, fear and freedom. I'm looking forward to sharing our struggles and sorrows with one another,
as well as the victories God gives us on our new path to freedom.

Fear often grips me, blocking my faith and dashing my confidence. Fear of rejection—based on caring too much what others think of what I’ve done or said—is what trips me up the most.  Finally I’m seeing progress, encouraging progress.

What fear are you facing in your life?  It may be fear of what lies ahead because of the loss of someone you love. Perhaps, as you contemplate stepping out to realize a dream or live out your mission and passion, you tell yourself you’ll never succeed, never make a difference. Maybe you are caught in the web of caring too much what people think of your performance, your idea, your appearance.

God’s knows we will experience fear as we journey through life. That’s why He affirms that He will be with us each step of the way as we journey toward freedom. As we grasp His hand, we can experience His strength and ability to live above fear and become our authentic selves.

I look forward to walking together on our journey to freedom!

Published by Gail Porter

Gail Porter is an author, inspirational speaker, and workshop leader. Her latest book is Will the Real Person Please Stand Up? Rising Above the Fear of Rejection.

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