Freedom. What would life be like if people of all nations in this vast world desired to live in peace and freedom? As believers, we long for that to happen. Yet, we know the obstacle that stands in the way: the enemy. He rules the earth now. But...
A Race for Survival
Inge Stein lived an enchanted life as a Jewish girl in Bamberg, Germany, until Hitler came on the scene. When she was 10 years old the brutal Nazi dictator demanded that Germany and all of Europe be cleansed from all Jews. He set a plan in place to first...
Broken Bones and Hospitals
My great niece Piper and I, and her friend Val, were enjoying a girls’ day together. We’d been to my nail salon for their manicure and had wandered in and out of various stores in Orlando’s Fashion Square Mall. After grabbing a quick lunch, we finished our shopping at...
Are you free of fear?
Is fear of rejection controlling your life? I’ve developed a quiz that will help you answer that important question. Even into my adult years, I had no idea that this devastating fear was defining my life. Now that I’ve found freedom from my fear, I’m eager to help others...
No! I can’t do that!
You may remember that my April Monthly Musings centered on the disciple Peter, who floundered after the death of his friend, Jesus. As he stood at the sea, he announced to his friends, “I’m going fishing.” A decision that would take him back to his old, familiar way...