God’s Presence in the Every Day

One morning I wrote my prayers to God in my journal, beginning with these words:

Please help Your presence be obvious in my encounters and conversations with people today.

The next morning, when I opened my journal and glanced at the prayer request I'd written the day before, I laughed out loud! You see, God had caused yesterday’s events to unfold exactly the way I prayed.

Come with me to the nearby grocery store. After perusing the aisles and checking items off my list, I rolled my cart to an available row and stood in line. I bantered with the young man in back of me.

Then I became aware of some kind of confusion at the end of the aisle where an old man was struggling to swipe his SNAP card because his hands were shaking. He handed the card to the clerk, who rang it up at the register. Then came the unexpected announcement, “Sir, you still owe $9.45.”

The bewildered man stared at the clerk and then pointed to the fully-loaded cart, as if to say, “But everything is ready to go.”

I knew the customer couldn’t pay, so I instinctively reached in my purse for my billfold.

The clerk explained to him, “Your card paid the $54 for groceries, but it won’t pay for the wine.”

I piped up, “I’ll pay the balance.”  Inside, I smiled at the irony of paying for the man’s wine rather than healthy food.

The young clerk looked at me hesitatingly, then accepted the $10 bill from my outstretched hand and returned the change. “Thank you, young lady.”

The stooped man swiveled his body to get a glimpse of his rescuer. I smiled at him and declared, “That was from God.”

He scoffed out loud at the mention of God’s name. Now released from his debt, though, he placed both hands on his cart and ambled toward the door.

I stepped up to the counter. “Thank you, again, young lady, for what you did.” (I was really liking the “young lady” part by then.”)

I shrugged my shoulders. “That’s why we’re alive.”

His eyes twinkled and a smile spread across his handsome face. “That is so true. I encounter this kind of thing every day and I try to help.”

“I can tell you know Jesus!” I said.

His smile broadened.

Right there in the aisle of that ordinary, neighborhood store, God’s presence surrounded the four of us. The young man behind me observed all that transpired, and surely God planted a seed in his heart. The unbelieving man’s monetary dilemma shifted to a full resolution, and in the process he heard the name of God. The store clerk received unexpected encouragement that day and also a chance to affirm his faith. My heart exploded with joy, because God had touched each one of us in a special way.

God asks us to be ready “in season and out of season,” because we never know when He might want to use us to carry out His plan.

Do you remember a time you prayed and God answered in an amazing way?

Unexpected Breakthrough

A bird is sitting on a tree trunk.

Sometimes breakthrough is a process. The woodpecker doesn’t stop to worry about what the other birds think about them, it just does what it is designed to do. ~ Sammy Robinson

When I read this quote in the blog of my friend, Elizabeth Horbelt,* the words reminded me of one of my breakthroughs during a writing conference in 2004. Because I cared so much what people thought of me, I had unconsciously built an invisible wall to protect myself from possible rejection. God was about to disclose the results of my decision.

On the first evening, the conference keynote speaker said, “Breakthrough to the next level comes only through brokenness.” He grabbed my attention immediately.

“Not your efforts, but brokenness, helps you get through to a new level,” the speaker continued. “God will hit where we have built walls that keep Him at a distance. We all build walls. Sometimes God shoots a customized arrow into our hearts to wake us up.”

While absorbing this declaration, I felt intense pain in my chest. With it came a sense that God had pierced my heart and said, “Your wall is keeping you at a distance from Me.”

The thought that I had hurt the heart of God became unbearable. I had no idea I’d built an emotional wall of protection around my heart.

As soon as the speaker finished, I hurried from the session to seek aloneness in my quiet hotel room. As I knelt and buried my head in my hands, tears seeped through my fingers.

“God, I didn’t know anything stood between You and me.”

He revealed I had constructed a wall out of my fear of what people would think about me. That wall had become my emotional protection. My wall also blocked me from absorbing the truth that God loves me, accepts me, protects me, and delights in me. I confessed my actions as sin against God. My sorrow lifted when I opened myself to receive His promised forgiveness.

During those moments of brokenness, the source of my fear became clear. I reached for my notebook to record my thoughts.

Soon I’d sketched the outline of a wall. In the empty boxes that formed the foundation, I added words that came to my mind: “childhood patterns,” “defense mechanisms,” and “family expectations.”

On each brick, I wrote an internal struggle that held me captive and governed my involuntary responses to people: fear of failure, fear of disappointing others, fear of not measuring up, need for approval, need for acceptance.

Author Paul Richardson explains more about our walls in his book A Certain Risk,

In response to our most unforgettable heartaches, many of us have closed ourselves off, locked our hearts behind unassailable walls, and
hidden away the key. . . .

He is showing me that the greatest barriers to his artistry in and through my life are not physical dangers. The real barriers are my own conjured fears. These fears are phony castle walls I’ve constructed around me.

During my conversation with God in my hotel room that day, I received courage to emotionally let the bricks of my castle walls crumble. Nothing stood between God and me anymore.

My unexpected breakthrough to the next level came through brokenness, just as the speaker explained. Once my wall was gone, I began relating to people in an open and authentic way without holding back from sharing about my personal life.

I'm looking forward to my continuing journey on God's path of freedom where I'm becoming more and more the person God designed me to be. **

Have you built an emotional wall of protection around yourself? What factors might have led you to construct your foundation and lay bricks on top? God is waiting to show you how to experience a life of freedom outside your wall.

* Link to Elizabeth Horbelt’s May 17 blog: "Designed for Breakthrough."

** Some of the content in this blog is adapted from pages 31-34 of my book, *Will the Real Person Please Stand Up: Rising Upon the Fear of Rejection,* and is used by permission.
Link to order your own copy.