My unexpected invitation brought me joy and increased my dependence on the Holy Spirit.
The invitation came from Judy Douglass, the wife of the former president of Cru/Campus Crusade for Christ. For many years, she wanted to create a book called, “Pioneer Women of Cru.” The time had come.
She and her team chose fifty staff women who made an indelible mark on the ministry. Now they needed others to interview the women and write their personal stories. I felt honored to have a part in this wonderful project.
After scanning the list of women, I knew I wanted to write the story of Molly Abraham, who now lives in heaven. It was an easy choice, because I loved Molly and had known her for more than thirty years.
Both Thomas and Molly lived in South India. However, in 1967, while they were temporarily living in Portland, Oregon, a friend of theirs introduced them to Dr. Bill Bright, the president of Campus Crusade for Christ. Dr. Bright challenged them to become staff members, and it didn’t take them long to say yes. Obviously, Dr. Bright sensed that Thomas was a man of faith and vision, because he appointed him India National Director and directed him to return home and begin the India Campus Crusade ministry.
Before beginning their work with students, Thomas and Molly prayed and asked God for 5,000 decisions for Christ during their first year on campus. By the end of the year, 5,067 students had indicated decisions for Christ! That miracle was only the beginning of all that God accomplished through them in their lifetime.
Amazingly, God planned that Thomas, Molly and I would join Campus Crusade in 1967 and go through staff training together at the Arrowhead Springs headquarters. We enjoyed our special friendship, but never dreamed we would see each other again. After all, they were returning to India.
Then, in 1974, God called me to Campus Crusade’s area office in Asia. Originally located in Manila, Philippines, the office soon moved north to Baguio City. Every year the Asia national directors met together in one of the countries. As part of the admin staff, I traveled to each location. You can imagine the thrill of seeing Thomas and Molly at my first national directors' meeting!
Though we enjoyed our yearly visits, the bigger delight came when Thomas was appointed the Central Asia-Pacific director and he moved to Baguio City with Molly and their three children! From then on, our office team became part of Thomas and Molly’s family.
Since Molly was already with Jesus when I began writing her story, I asked the Holy Spirit to show me where to find the information I needed. He prompted me to look in my keepsake box, where I had fortunately saved the four-page newsletter Thomas wrote in celebration of his twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. His letter not only traced Thomas and Molly’s life from 1962-1987, but included details about people, places, dates, and major events. That "golden newsletter" became a framework for all the other input I received.
As I continue to write Molly’s story, I am depending on the Holy Spirit to give me words that will bring glory to God.
Molly and Thomas filled my heart with love and showed me how to live a faithful life. I’ll be forever grateful for the plan of God that brought us together.
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