Gail Porter

Gail Porter is an inspirational speaker, award-winning author, and workshop leader. She has a passion to help people let go of their fear of rejection so they can be free to live an authentic life. Her three companion books are helping others walk in freedom: <i>Will the Real Person Please Stand Up? Rising Above the Fear of Rejection<i>; <i>Free to be the Real You: A Women's Weekend Retreat<i>; </i>and <i>Living on the Path of Freedom: Leaving Fear of Rejection Behind.</i>

Make Time to Love

An older couple posing for a photo in a park.

What is the hardest thing for you to give up on a daily basis?

For me, it’s my time. Since I’m a planner, it’s a continual challenge to release time to spend with people and get involved with activities outside my regular agenda. In the past, I gave more priority to my projects than to people.

However, in recent years God showed me the importance of intentionally letting go of some of my neatly-arranged plans and creating space to enjoy friends and family. Now that people’s names are sprinkled throughout my monthly calendar, my joy has increased and my stress decreased.

This life-changing lesson also brought about a desire to build a deeper and more meaningful relationship with my Uncle Miles. When Aunt Elia went to heaven, his life changed drastically. Mine did, too. Her death was one of many losses among my family members within a short period of time.

In my sorrow, I cried out to God, “Father, please don’t take Uncle Miles from me yet. I can’t say goodbye to anyone else right now. Please let me have more time with him.”

God gave me six more years. Those years became the most memorable ones for me. Uncle Miles and I became close friends, not just family. Our friendship filled the empty places in both of our lives. We began taking turns calling each other every weak—either he from the west coast or me from the east side of the country. We discussed family memories and happenings, but he always wanted to know about me. In turn, I wanted to hear about the highlights and downsides of his life at the retirement center.

It didn’t matter that he was in his 90’s. He stayed engaged in my life. Every fall I flew to Oregon for several weeks to see family and friends. During those times, he and I talked together in his apartment, shared some meals in the dining hall, and ate at a couple special restaurants. Our spontaneous phone calls in between were a treat.

We also began a tradition of taking a day trip together every year. Our favorite outings included drinking in the beauty of the Colombia River gorge and enjoying the majesty of Mt. Hood. Though hindered by his macular degeneration, he amazingly directed our journeys and made sure I didn’t miss any turns.

One year, after delivering Uncle Miles back to the center following our day trip, we sat together in his apartment. Words of encouragement and mutual admiration flowed between us.

Finally, we stood and hugged good-bye. “Honey, thanks for spending time with me. Really enjoyed our visits while you’ve been here and especially our trip today.”

Knowing I was returning to Orlando the next day, we looked into each other’s eyes with deep love. I believe he knew he wouldn’t see me again. I was unaware. Perhaps that’s why God prompted me to say, “Uncle Miles, I’ll see you next time . . . but if not, I’ll see you in heaven.”

Uncle Miles died less than three months later at the age of 97. I’ll be forever grateful to God for showing me how to make time to love my precious uncle so I wouldn’t miss the memories I’ll cherish forever.

What memories do you share with a special person because you chose to give up your own plans and spend time with them?

From Fear to Freedom

If fear of rejection is controlling your life take the rejection quiz and find out.

May this be the year we live in Freedom to be Authentic!

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)

Imagine! We are God’s masterpiece! He wants us to let go of any fear lingering inside of us. And relinquish our “people pleasing” that has kept us striving to be the person others wanted us to be. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us overcome our fear so we can shine as the authentic person God created us to be!

Many of you know that fear of rejection defined my life for forty years. The thought of telling others my inner thoughts or opinions or struggles frightened me. In His time, God revealed my false identity and showed me how to give up my deception and freely live as my authentic self.

What has been your personal experience with fear and freedom? Perhaps you grew up with confidence to be your real self. Praise God. And you’ve been able to help others come out of hiding. Great.

Or maybe you’re wondering, “Do I have a fear of rejection?”

I know the feeling. After God set me free, He helped me create my Fear of Rejection Quiz that answers that important question.

This quiz will give you a chance to discover and acknowledge any fear of rejection symptoms you may have. You will also learn about common barriers you may have built to prevent people from knowing who you really are inside. Once you recognize your emotional defenses, you will be able to tear them down and begin living as the authentic person God created you to be!

Take a moment now to see how you score on the Fear of Rejection Quiz! By applying what you learn, you will be able to take steps toward a life of freedom from fear. God will lead the way.  

Please feel free to share this link with others who may be struggling with fear of rejection. You could be the one who helps them take their first steps toward freedom.

With God going before us, we all have an opportunity to experience Freedom to be Authentic!

The Faithful One

This is such a beautiful time of year when we consciously take time to focus on family and friends. And we ponder the significance of the season...the birth of Jesus, our Savior and Lord. He was born to die for us so that we could know God personally, without our sin separating us from Him. Because of Jesus we are able to enjoy an intimate relationship with God, our Father.

A friend sent me this Christmas greeting that highlights truths about Jesus that we may forget during our busy lives. I wanted to share it with you because it reminds us how blessed we are to know Jesus, The FAITHFUL ONE!  

Jesus the faithful one christmas card.

As this year ends, I hope we will take time to recall the amazing things God has done for us during 2023. Some experiences were joy-filled; others were sorrowful. Yet, God has been with us in each experience, whether to celebrate or to bring comfort. God wants us to remember this year.

As 2024 approaches, God wants us to look forward. To anticipate, to hope, to dream. To open ourselves to new challenges and walk through open doors. Ask God to prepare you for what lies ahead. He has plans for you so listen carefully to His Holy Spirit. God wants us to follow Him into the New Year. 

My Thanks to God

The long-ago song, My Tribute, floated into my heart today. The words drew me into a precious time of singing and thanking God for all He has done for me this year.

May these beautiful words also help you bless God during this Season of Thanksgiving.


How can I say thanks
For the things You have done for me?
Things so undeserved
Yet You gave to prove Your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am and ever hope to be
I owe it all to Thee

To God be the glory
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
For the things He has done

With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory
For the things He has done

Just let me live my life
Let it pleasing, Lord to Thee
And if I gain any praise
Let it go to Calvary

With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory
For the things He has done

Songwriter: Andraé Crouch

Grocery Store Experience – Part Two

Happy birthday shopper and Publix employee.

The impact of my experience in the grocery store last month didn’t fade away after I related the story in my September blog. The extraordinary events of that day, that involved a store clerk, an old man, and God’s presence, lingered in my heart. (Click here if you want to read the beginning of the story!)

Because of what the store clerk and I witnessed that day, I longed to see him again and relive the wonder. God showed up because of my prayer that morning:

Please help Your presence be obvious in my encounters and conversations with people today.

The clerk and I hadn’t exchanged names, so I called customer service. I described him the best I could, and the man on the phone concluded it was Frank. When I explained I wanted to come to the store to talk with Frank, he said, “He’s working today and will have a break at noon.”

I climbed into my Malibu for the short drive to the store, where I caught the attention of an employee coming out of the customer service area. After explaining my mission, the man pointed to Frank’s aisle.

I turned. There he was, full of energy and smiles for his customers, just as he was the day I stood in his aisle to pay for my purchases.

As the clock approached noon, the service man informed me of his plan to tell Frank that someone was waiting to see him. My excitement mounted. Our reunion was about to begin.

I hovered near Frank’s isle. He finished with his last customer, tossed the “closed” sign on the conveyor belt, and looked up with a huge smile.

“How are you?” He remembered me!

I beamed! “I wanted to come see you again after what happened last month.” He came around the counter and gave me a big hug. After the old man left the store during my first visit, Frank and I talked about our mutual desire to show God's love to others, which formed a natural bond.

We took turns describing how each part of that morning impacted us.

“Thank you for paying the balance of the old man’s bill that day. That was very kind,” Frank said.

“I knew Jesus wanted me to.”

Frank continued, “Every day I encounter that kind of situation, especially with those depending on state funds. I always try to help them.” When I inquired further, he humbly confirmed he paid out of his own pocket.

I also learned that Frank had retired, but returned because he loves being around people and serving on the customer service team. It’s a perfect fit. And obviously part of God’s mission for him.

Then I handed Frank a copy of my September blog. “I wrote this story about our shared experience and I want you to have a copy.” Tears welled up in his eyes. “Thank you so much. I’ll read it during my break and probably cry.”

We agreed that God had orchestrated everything that took place in that narrow check-out aisle, including the chance to acknowledge God to the old man.

After hugging once more, we parted ways. I headed toward the door, but suddenly had an urge to take a picture, almost as if I needed visual confirmation that God’s unique answer to my prayer truly happened.

I called to Frank. “Let’s take a picture as a remembrance.” He immediately recruited a friend to help.

God uses each of us in creative ways to show His love to others.

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ,
and through us reveals the fragrance of the knowledge of Him
in every place.
 For we are a fragrance of Christ to God
among those who are being saved and
among those who are perishing."
2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (NASB) 

Many viewers responded to my original post by relating ways God has used them to make a difference in people’s life. I selected a few stories that I hope will inspire you as you seek ways to become the “fragrance of Christ” to those around you.

Pat Hunt

Gail, I read your story about your encounter with the “older” man in the grocery store. You asked your audience if we had unforeseen encounters when God used us to minister to those God put in our path.

Yesterday, in the common area at the Westmoreland Union Manor, I ran into my friend, Bonnie, whom I hadn’t seen for a long time. Her health had declined, so I told her I’d pray for her. She was astounded that I’d write her name in my already-long prayer list. She thanked me and we parted ways, only to be reunited later that day in a local grocery store, by God’s providential timing.

We talked more about God and His Promises in His Word. The word “hope” dropped into my mind, and I told Bonnie to hang onto hope, for without hope we tend to give up. I added, “I’ll find a promise in the Word and claim that for you.”

She got teary-eyed and asked me to let her know the promise. A few hours later, while looking for a card to give to her, I found a small packet of Hallmark cards I’d forgotten about. The front of one card said, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength,” (Isaiah 40:31 NIV). Wow! That was the perfect verse and promise for her. I felt blessed to write this promise of hope in her card!

I pray each day that God will use me, and I will be ready in season and out of season!

Rebecca Carpenter

I loved your story. I also ask each day how I can help someone. My husband, Alan, always used to say, “We never know who is watching.”

Lois Nobles

Yes, we express God’s love in actions in daily life. Gail is always ready to do this.

I was with a friend and suddenly she chocked up and could not breath or speak normally. Her face became pale and expressionless. I prayed out load, “Breath is God’s inspiration, He maintains our normal body functions, and He is present here and now. We are his spiritual creations. Human mortal circumstances cannot change our perfection and relationship with God.”

Soon after my prayer, she regained her normal breathing and speech. We thanked God for saving her life.

Beth Augee

I love your musings. Besides hearing about how God is using you and your literary giftings, it also shows your continuing sharing of Jesus as a way of life.

That is what Rod and I love to do. In fact, last Monday, while sharing "7 Ways Doing a Puzzle Benefits You" to a group of recovering heart patients, I caught the eyes of a first-timer to our monthly meetings. She had just shared her heart story, including the words, "Well, at least it is better than the alternative (meaning death)."

God spoke through me, as I smiled and said, "Because I am a Christian, the alternative sounds pretty good to me."

She smiled back, and several others, whom I knew are followers of Jesus, also smiled with looks of joy and confirmation. The other attendees heard about the hope that only Jesus can give them.

Fourteen years ago, I had a heart attack and have had several other moderate heart issues since then. Because I wanted to “give back” to the local hospital for their excellent care, I became a volunteer and began visiting heart patients and families in the Cardiac Care unit.

When a national heart support group, Mended Hearts, was in the process of opening a chapter at our hospital, I became involved. I served as president of three chapters over twelve years. Though not a Christian organization, Mended Hearts opened many doors for love and encouragement to people in hours of fear and unknown futures. Volunteering with Mended Hearts gave me many opportunities to share the love and saving grace of God.

Click here if you want to read the beginning of this story in my previous blog.

To comment on this blog, use the box below.

God’s Presence in the Every Day

One morning I wrote my prayers to God in my journal, beginning with these words:

Please help Your presence be obvious in my encounters and conversations with people today.

The next morning, when I opened my journal and glanced at the prayer request I'd written the day before, I laughed out loud! You see, God had caused yesterday’s events to unfold exactly the way I prayed.

Come with me to the nearby grocery store. After perusing the aisles and checking items off my list, I rolled my cart to an available row and stood in line. I bantered with the young man in back of me.

Then I became aware of some kind of confusion at the end of the aisle where an old man was struggling to swipe his SNAP card because his hands were shaking. He handed the card to the clerk, who rang it up at the register. Then came the unexpected announcement, “Sir, you still owe $9.45.”

The bewildered man stared at the clerk and then pointed to the fully-loaded cart, as if to say, “But everything is ready to go.”

I knew the customer couldn’t pay, so I instinctively reached in my purse for my billfold.

The clerk explained to him, “Your card paid the $54 for groceries, but it won’t pay for the wine.”

I piped up, “I’ll pay the balance.”  Inside, I smiled at the irony of paying for the man’s wine rather than healthy food.

The young clerk looked at me hesitatingly, then accepted the $10 bill from my outstretched hand and returned the change. “Thank you, young lady.”

The stooped man swiveled his body to get a glimpse of his rescuer. I smiled at him and declared, “That was from God.”

He scoffed out loud at the mention of God’s name. Now released from his debt, though, he placed both hands on his cart and ambled toward the door.

I stepped up to the counter. “Thank you, again, young lady, for what you did.” (I was really liking the “young lady” part by then.”)

I shrugged my shoulders. “That’s why we’re alive.”

His eyes twinkled and a smile spread across his handsome face. “That is so true. I encounter this kind of thing every day and I try to help.”

“I can tell you know Jesus!” I said.

His smile broadened.

Right there in the aisle of that ordinary, neighborhood store, God’s presence surrounded the four of us. The young man behind me observed all that transpired, and surely God planted a seed in his heart. The unbelieving man’s monetary dilemma shifted to a full resolution, and in the process he heard the name of God. The store clerk received unexpected encouragement that day and also a chance to affirm his faith. My heart exploded with joy, because God had touched each one of us in a special way.

God asks us to be ready “in season and out of season,” because we never know when He might want to use us to carry out His plan.

Do you remember a time you prayed and God answered in an amazing way?

A Race for Survival

The Motherly Ways of God

Genuine Love

A man holding a child's hand.

This morning I’m remembering my grandmother. When the topic of love of family crops up, Grandmartie is always at the top of my list.

My fondest and earliest memory is hearing her sweet voice singing a lullaby to me. Her arms enfolded me as she slowly tipped us back and forth in her rocking chair.

She loved my visits to her home. Delight spread across her face when I pranced into her kitchen after bounding up her back stairs. I eagerly walked into her first hug.

Living within walking distance of her home made it easy for me to see her often. Sometimes during our visits, when she had to tend to chores, I explored the attic, trying on old clothes and playing with her childhood dolls.

Grandmartie’s phone calls to my home always seemed to arrive at the perfect moment. Our conversations flowed easily.

As a rather shy teen, I received some wise advice from her that remains in my mind. “Gail, whenever you can’t think of something to say, just smile.” Not surprisingly, smiling at people comes easily to me. Most often the person smiles back. In that moment I see pleasure, and sometimes hope, in their eyes.

When I moved to my college dorm, she wrote beautiful and descriptive letters that left me feeling as if she were sitting beside me.

The most precious treasure Grandmartie deposited in my heart were her words about Jesus. Each time she talked about Him, her eyes sparkled. From early years, she created in me a desire to know Jesus like she did.

During my sophomore year, when I made my personal decision to invite Jesus into my life, Grandmartie is the one I called. Our hearts grew even closer.

When I began my career as a missionary, God revealed His plan for my life: to lead others to the Savior. That’s what Grandmartie had been doing her whole life. When she and my grandfather moved into a retirement home, she found many more people to love, and encourage, and introduce to Jesus.

After my grandfather passed away, her life remained full. Even when dealing with the inconvenience of macular degeneration and the eventual move to a care center, her sweet spirit and loving smiles continued.

A few months before her 100th birthday, God called her Home. Though we can no longer see each other, I will always remember the sound of Grandmartie’s lullabies and the love she poured into my life that drew me to her Savior.

During this month of love, I hope you will take time to remember the person who first filled your heart with love for Jesus.


“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.

With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.”

(Jeremiah 31:3)

How Many Kings

An ornate gold throne with red velvet.

My clock radio awakened me with a song I’d never heard before: “How Many Kings.” I laid still, mesmerized by the words.

Once I began working on my computer that morning, I found the link to the original video performed by Downhere. As I watched the lead singer pour out his heart, he became lost in the words just as I had. The rest of the day I kept singing the song, because it brought me straight to the manger. The baby lying there reminded me of all Jesus had given up to make sure I could receive God’s precious gift of salvation.

You may already be familiar with this song, but I want to present these words in black and white and give you a moment to once again ponder the significance of the arrival of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Follow the star to a place unexpected

Would you believe, after all we’ve projected

A child in a manger?

Lowly and small, the weakest of all

Unlikeliest hero, wrapped in his mother’s shawl

Just a child

Is this who we’ve waited for?


‘Cause how many kings step down from their thrones

How many lords have abandoned their homes?

How many greats have become the least for me?

And how many gods have poured out their hearts

To romance a world that is torn all apart?

How many fathers gave up their sons for me?


Bringing our gifts for the newborn Savior

All that we have, whether costly or meek

Because we believe

Gold for his honor, and frankincense for his pleasure

And myrrh for the cross He will suffer

Do you believe?

Is this who we’ve waited for?


How many kings step down from their thrones?

How many lords have abandoned their homes?

How many greats have become the least for me?

And how many gods have poured out their hearts

To romance a world that is torn all apart?

How many fathers gave up their sons for me?

Only one did that for me


Oh, all for me, oh

All for me, all for you

All for me, all for you


Nothing but this song is on my heart to give you today. May your personal celebration of Jesus Christ take on greater meaning as you ponder all He did for you.

For today in the city of David

There has been born for you

A Savior, who is Christ, the Lord.

And this will be a sign for you: 

you will find a baby wrapped in cloths,

and lying in a manger.  (Luke 2:11-12)