The Imperfect Pot

Here's an alt tag for the image: Brown clay pot on gravel.

This endearing story that I saved many years ago popped up in one of my folders this week. Perhaps someone will discover something very important today. 

A water bearer in India had two large pots; each hung on an end of a pole that he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it. The perfect pot always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house. The cracked pot always arrived only half full.

Each day for two years, the water bearer delivered only one and a half pots full of water to his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, fulfilling to perfection the role for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfection and felt miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been created to do.

After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, the cracked pot spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you." "What are you ashamed of?" "I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts," the pot said sadly.

The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot. With compassion he said, "As we return to the master's house today, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path."

Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path. This cheered the pot some, but at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load. So again the pot apologized to the bearer for its failure.

The bear said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. Without your being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house."

Actually, all of us are "cracked pots" with unique flaws. Our response to that fact is crucial to what we will become. If we realize our potential, in spite of our imperfections, we naturally reach forward. If we focus on our imperfections, we tend to compare ourselves with others, leading to the false belief that we have nothing to offer. This mindset deceives us into feeling unimportant or insignificant. 

By simply acknowledging our imperfections and moving forward, we will discover that we, like the imperfect pot, can be the cause of beauty. Just as the water bearer saw the unique contribution the imperfect pot could make in pleasing the king, so God sees our full potential and will help us bring pleasure to Him and become a source of beauty to others here on earth. 

[Source unknown]

Freedom to Soar


Freedom. What would life be like if people of all nations in this vast world desired to live in peace and freedom?

As believers, we long for that to happen. Yet, we know the obstacle that stands in the way: the enemy. He rules the earth now. But at the appointed time, God will abolish the enemy forever and create a new heaven and new earth where His children will be free to dwell in peace and joy.

We cannot solve the problems of this present world. But God has given each of us His power to overcome whatever might be holding us captive in our inner spirits and preventing us from living as a free person in Christ.

I was emotionally captive for many years until I asked God to help me overcome my fears and become the person He created me to be. Gradually, rather than trying to be the person I thought others wanted me to be, I began living as my authentic self.

Recently, I read the powerful story below, which deepened my determination to be authentic and keep soaring in freedom! Perhaps it will help you on your own journey of freedom.

“A farmer once found a baby eagle and raised it with his chickens. The eagle learned to live as the chickens did, never attempting to fly. When a bird-watcher saw the eagle, he bought it from the farmer and attempted to teach it to fly. But the eagle would only run around and flap its wings like a chicken. Finally, the man took the bird to a high mountain. ‘You are an eagle,’ he said. ‘You should fly.’ And he threw the bird off the side of the mountain. At first the eagle cried out in fear, but then it spread its wings and soared into the sky.

“Perhaps that eagle sometimes flew over the old farmyard and missed the chickens. But it never returned to live like them, because now it knew what it meant to be an eagle.

“In a similar way, many believers do not fully understand who they are in Christ. As a result, they miss the incredible blessings God has intended for His people. In a spiritual sense, they never learn to soar free above all creation.

“What would it be like to see ourselves as our loving Father sees us? God says, ‘Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!’ (2 Corinthians 5:17). We can see ourselves as God does by exercising our faith as we read the Bible, believing what it says about God and what it says about us.

“Isn’t it time to stop listening to what others say about [us] and start listening to God?” 

* Story taken from the Discover God Study Bible NLT, page 2094. Copyright © 2000. Used by permission of Bright Media Foundation, represented by Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

Did you glean some new insights from this narrative?  I would love to read your comment in the box below. 

Sometimes, it’s easy to believe the lies of the enemy, who whispers negative things about us. His accusations keep us walking on the ground.

But God’s words, which are full of love, are designed to lift us up and give us freedom to soar.

The Lord your God is in your midst,
A victorious warrior.
He will rejoice over you with joy,
He will be quiet in His love,
He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.

Zephaniah 3:17 (NASB)

From Fear to Freedom

If fear of rejection is controlling your life take the rejection quiz and find out.

May this be the year we live in Freedom to be Authentic!

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)

Imagine! We are God’s masterpiece! He wants us to let go of any fear lingering inside of us. And relinquish our “people pleasing” that has kept us striving to be the person others wanted us to be. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us overcome our fear so we can shine as the authentic person God created us to be!

Many of you know that fear of rejection defined my life for forty years. The thought of telling others my inner thoughts or opinions or struggles frightened me. In His time, God revealed my false identity and showed me how to give up my deception and freely live as my authentic self.

What has been your personal experience with fear and freedom? Perhaps you grew up with confidence to be your real self. Praise God. And you’ve been able to help others come out of hiding. Great.

Or maybe you’re wondering, “Do I have a fear of rejection?”

I know the feeling. After God set me free, He helped me create my Fear of Rejection Quiz that answers that important question.

This quiz will give you a chance to discover and acknowledge any fear of rejection symptoms you may have. You will also learn about common barriers you may have built to prevent people from knowing who you really are inside. Once you recognize your emotional defenses, you will be able to tear them down and begin living as the authentic person God created you to be!

Take a moment now to see how you score on the Fear of Rejection Quiz! By applying what you learn, you will be able to take steps toward a life of freedom from fear. God will lead the way.  

Please feel free to share this link with others who may be struggling with fear of rejection. You could be the one who helps them take their first steps toward freedom.

With God going before us, we all have an opportunity to experience Freedom to be Authentic!

God’s Presence in the Every Day

One morning I wrote my prayers to God in my journal, beginning with these words:

Please help Your presence be obvious in my encounters and conversations with people today.

The next morning, when I opened my journal and glanced at the prayer request I'd written the day before, I laughed out loud! You see, God had caused yesterday’s events to unfold exactly the way I prayed.

Come with me to the nearby grocery store. After perusing the aisles and checking items off my list, I rolled my cart to an available row and stood in line. I bantered with the young man in back of me.

Then I became aware of some kind of confusion at the end of the aisle where an old man was struggling to swipe his SNAP card because his hands were shaking. He handed the card to the clerk, who rang it up at the register. Then came the unexpected announcement, “Sir, you still owe $9.45.”

The bewildered man stared at the clerk and then pointed to the fully-loaded cart, as if to say, “But everything is ready to go.”

I knew the customer couldn’t pay, so I instinctively reached in my purse for my billfold.

The clerk explained to him, “Your card paid the $54 for groceries, but it won’t pay for the wine.”

I piped up, “I’ll pay the balance.”  Inside, I smiled at the irony of paying for the man’s wine rather than healthy food.

The young clerk looked at me hesitatingly, then accepted the $10 bill from my outstretched hand and returned the change. “Thank you, young lady.”

The stooped man swiveled his body to get a glimpse of his rescuer. I smiled at him and declared, “That was from God.”

He scoffed out loud at the mention of God’s name. Now released from his debt, though, he placed both hands on his cart and ambled toward the door.

I stepped up to the counter. “Thank you, again, young lady, for what you did.” (I was really liking the “young lady” part by then.”)

I shrugged my shoulders. “That’s why we’re alive.”

His eyes twinkled and a smile spread across his handsome face. “That is so true. I encounter this kind of thing every day and I try to help.”

“I can tell you know Jesus!” I said.

His smile broadened.

Right there in the aisle of that ordinary, neighborhood store, God’s presence surrounded the four of us. The young man behind me observed all that transpired, and surely God planted a seed in his heart. The unbelieving man’s monetary dilemma shifted to a full resolution, and in the process he heard the name of God. The store clerk received unexpected encouragement that day and also a chance to affirm his faith. My heart exploded with joy, because God had touched each one of us in a special way.

God asks us to be ready “in season and out of season,” because we never know when He might want to use us to carry out His plan.

Do you remember a time you prayed and God answered in an amazing way?

A Race for Survival

Loving the Outcasts

Wherever Jesus walked, he always noticed the outcasts, the ones shunned by society for reasons completely out of their control. His love and compassion compelled Him to heal and restore each person.

One day Jesus decided to sail to the country of the Gerasenes, which is opposite Galilee.

And when He had come out onto the land,
He was met by a certain man from the city who was possessed with demons;
and who had not put on any clothing for a long time,
and was not living in a house, but in the tombs.
Luke 8:27 (NASB)

This outcast was treated as a crazy man because the demons inside him caused violent behavior. Restrained by chains and shackles, he was kept under guard; but he would break through and, driven by the demons, run into the desert.

Jesus approached the man that day and began commanding the demons to come out of him. Instead, the demons began screaming and pleading with Him not to send them into the abyss but to allow them to enter the nearby herd of swine. Jesus granted permission, knowing the swine would race down the steep embankment and drown in the lake.

A terrifying incident, for sure, but the love of Jesus triumphed and forever changed the outcast’s life. Two amazing scenes unfolded. And those are what captured my heart.

1.  The man sat at Jesus’ feet.

We might think he’d feel embarrassed and humiliated to stay around after all the uproar. But the love that had delivered him drew him to the feet of Jesus…a sacred place. As we picture him sitting there, fully clothed, calm, and coherent, we can understand why.

     He felt comfortable being with Jesus.

     He felt loved and accepted by Jesus.

     His fear was gone.

2.  The man received a commission from Jesus.

His deliverance by Jesus ushered in a feeling of hope he’d never experienced. Now he could be part of the society that had shunned him before.

Filled with purpose and love for Jesus, the man begged Jesus to let him join his ministry. Certainly, he envisioned the joy and privilege of following Jesus and witnessing more miraculous healings.

Instead, Jesus commissioned him to go and tell his story.

Return to your house and
describe what great things God has done for you.
Luke 8:39 

Obediently, the man began walking toward his house, but something happened on the way.

He proclaimed throughout the whole city
what great things Jesus had done for him.
(Luke 8:39)

Jesus has commissioned us as well. Because of His love, He not saved us. He also sent us to tell our story to everyone we meet so they will know how God has transformed our lives. And as we speak, God can change other people’s lives through us.

Is there someone who needs to hear your story this week?

No! I can’t do that!


You may remember that my April Monthly Musings centered on the disciple Peter, who floundered after the death of his friend, Jesus. As he stood at the sea, he announced to his friends, “I’m going fishing.” A decision that would take him back to his old, familiar way of life. 

Here was my response to that scene: “I pondered what my own future would look like. When the doors of confinement are flung open, would I return to ‘fishing as usual,’ or would I choose to leave my safety net—my familiar, normal way of living—and walk into God’s future for me?”

At the end of my blog, I presented us with a challenge: “Let’s walk away from our nets—our familiar way of living—and step into the new lifestyle God has prepared for us.”

Now, let me tell you what happened after I pushed the send button for my April Musings.

When I began reading my emails, the first message presented an unusual, exciting opportunity. However, instead of responding with an enthusiastic yes and stepping forwardas I had encouraged you to do only minutes before—I gasped and said to myself, “No! I can’t do that!”

Most likely, God smiled at the refusal. After calming down from my initial outburst, I talked to God, who gently reminded me that I had prayed for more speaking engagements. The light went on. 

The email contained an invitation from Mike Gilland, the station manager of Shepherd Radio in Orlando, to be his guest on the “Afternoons with Mike” segment. “What day is most convenient for you to record the 50-minute interview?” he asked.

I emailed him, “Wednesday morning would work well,” 

Although I’d done several radio interviews in the past, being part of a broadcast in my home area seemed intimidating. After emailing my friends about this newest adventure, and admitting my nervousness, I asked them to pray for confidence, courage, and ability.

My favorite response to this prayer request came from Pat Hunt:

“Thank you, Gail, for branching out and reaching out to a ‘hurting world.’  I'm praying you will know the fruits of your boldness and faithfulness in answering the call from our Lord. I'll look forward to receiving the link to the interview.”

The radio interview with Mike Gilland turned into one of the most exhilarating and rewarding experiences I’ve had so far. One reason for my pleasure surely flowed from my willingness to finally obey God’s call. The interview allowed me to highlight some of the amazing ways God has worked in my life. Mike opened the way to tell listeners how I met Jesus; some of my experiences from 50 years of serving with Campus Crusade/Cru in the US and the Philippines; and the backstory and my passion for writing my two books.

Everyone's prayers transformed the interview into something beautiful and memorable. The responses amazed me.   

“Wonderful, inspiring, and gratifying talk, Gail. So from the heart and so personal. I'll be sharing it.’

“What a wonderful interview! The sound was so clear and the interviewer was truly prepared to ask good questions.
You were amazingly clear in sharing your work and powerful walk with Jesus and trust in God.”

“Wonderful! Amazing!  I listened to the whole broadcast and I'm so proud of you.
You did a great job and the interview was very meaningful and well done.”

“I enjoyed listening to the radio interview. How pleasing to see that God is greatly using you now as an author.
It is so exciting to see how the Holy Spirit weaves all the parts of our lives together as we continue
in our process of growth as ‘fishers of men’! I will continue to pray for God to bless your ministry!”

 “I'm praying for the same spirit of faithfulness and devotion in anything God calls me to do
regardless if it's big or small.”

Last week, I had another chance to “walk into God’s future.” Athena Dean Holtz, author and owner of Redemption Press, asked to interview me for her All Things Podcast. This time, instead of hesitating, I agreed immediately because I recognized this was part of God's plan for my life. 

Have you stepped into something new or unexpected recently? Share about your experience or leave your thoughts about this blog in the comment box below.


Recent Podcasts

LISTEN to Gail share about her life as well as her books
The Shepherd Radio podcast

HEAR Gail reveal how she discovered the path to freedom
where she can be the Real Person God created her to be
The All Things podcast

Do you and your friends have a copy of Gail’s books? 

Will the Real Person Please Stand Up? Rising Above the Fear of Rejection
Redemption Press Link  Amazon Link  Barnes & Noble Link

Life Through Loss: Facing Your Pain, Finding Your Purpose
Amazon Link  Barnes & Noble Link

I am going fishing

The water lapped at the feet of the ruddy-faced men who stood at the edge of the Sea of Tiberias. Normal bantering and fast movements pushed aside, they gazed at the horizon, uncertain of what to do next.

Peter slowly turned to face the others and quietly announced,

“I am going fishing.”

His fishermen friends looked at one another and then answered,

“We will also come with you.”

Picking up their fishing net, they dragged it to their nearby boat. Mustering all the inner strength they could find, they tried to put their hearts into another day of fishing.

A few years before, they had left their nets and followed Jesus willingly. Every time they observed scales falling from the eyes of blind people, and watched Jesus straighten crippled limbs, their faith grew stronger. Even though their bodies were weary at the end of long days, their hearts were filled with purpose.

Now, through a terrifying series of events, they had lost their best friend, their leader, and the one whose footsteps they had followed. Everything had changed. They were alone.

All they knew to do was push away from the shore. Fishing was familiar. Surely they would bring in their daily quota.

By the end of the day, however, they were heading to shore with an empty boat. Disappointment and bewilderment welled up inside of them. What had they done wrong? They’d been fishing almost their whole lives…until Jesus came along.

Two questions lingered in their weary minds: “How will we survive without Him? What are we supposed to do?”

Suddenly, a man appeared on the beach and spoke to them gently.

“Children, you do not have any fish, do you?
Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat,
and you will find a catch.”

With nothing to lose, they followed the man’s instruction. Soon, 153 fish flopped around in their net. Without a doubt, they knew this man was the Lord.

Jesus knew the fear that gripped their hearts and the despair that shouted, “You have no future.” He was about to reveal a new plan.

Jesus had a charcoal fire waiting for them when they came to land. He said,

“Bring some of the fish which you have now caught.
Come and have breakfast.”

They eagerly settled in beside him. As He began serving them, they remembered the words He had spoken during His earlier appearance:

 “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”

He then breathed on them and said,

“Receive the Holy Spirit.”

There on that beach, His disciples realized Jesus was giving them a new call, a personal call. Equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit and infused with new purpose, they left their nets once again and walked by faith into their own ministries of preaching the gospel and bringing souls into God’s kingdom.

As I read this familiar Bible passage*, I pondered what my own future would look like. When the doors of confinement are flung open, would I return to “fishing as usual,” or would I choose to leave my safety net—my familiar, normal way of living—and walk into God’s future for me?

I decided I don’t want to backtrack. I’ve asked God to help me preserve my new lifestyle that has evolved out of COVID-19.

The most special part is having unlimited time to meet with God in the mornings and talk to Him throughout the day. I’ve been able to slow down, relax and guard against my usual hectic pace. I feel pleasure, rather than guilt, whenever I have a long lunch on my porch. Interestingly, even with this slower pace, I’ve made significant progress on my writing goals and other priorities, and even tackled a needed reorganization project.

I’m enjoying people more. A nightly bike ride around my condo complex with a friend gives me needed physical exercise while also opening a way to know my neighbors better and meet new ones. The four of us on my side of the building have shared food, checked up on each other, and shared laughter and words of encouragement. We were close before, but nothing like this.

While being cooped up, I’ve frequently talked with my nieces, nephews, cousins, and personal friends. I’m on a roll, and I want to keep going.

Because we can’t congregate as a church family, our leaders have developed new touchpoints for us during the week, in addition to the services streamed online. Isn’t it exciting that more people are viewing church services now than ever before?

You probably have your own list of positive results. Many of you parents have developed creative family times inside your homes. While your children engage in online learning, you’ve found ways to encourage their teachers. Families and individuals have stepped forward and packed food bags to deliver to frontline people.

Even after we’re free to roam wherever we want, we can keep giving these gifts to others: kindness, gratitude, understanding, empathy, a listening ear, words of hope, and assurance that God loves them and has a good future planned for them.

Let’s preserve those things that have produced new values in us and changed our perspectives on life. Let’s walk away from our nets—our familiar way of living—and step into the new lifestyle God has prepared for us.

In addition to the wonderful parts of your lives that were in place before COVID-19, what new things do you want to continue doing?

*The Bible story is based on the book of John, chapter 21.

Fear or Faith?

I invited my friend, Shirley Mewhinney, to share her recent experiences
during the unexpected crisis that has rocked our world.

There isn't a better message for our world today than Gail's blog title, Live Above Fear!

In our private times, and even in public, most of us are experiencing moments of fear and anxiety as we wait out one of the most severe times of testing our nation has ever faced, a new war known as COVID-19.

I’ve heard that our current world disaster closely rivals the last great crisis, World War II, for its toll on our national resources and stamina. I was born during the World War II era, so along with my age, my diabetes puts me in the current highest COVID-19 risk category. Needing to accomplish tasks while isolated in the confines of my own home has increased my anxiety.

Thoughts rush through my mind:  What is happening out there? Why can't I have a part in helping with such great needs?  How will I keep myself supplied with the products I need?  How can I stay safe when the enemy is invisible? Am I taking enough precautions? Will my loved ones be safe? How can I live above fear?

Early one morning I woke up with food on my mind, not because I was hungry; but because I felt anxious about how I could maintain my routine of going out to purchase fresh produce and other healthy food to keep my well-controlled diabetes stable.

Feeling somewhat helpless, I reached for my daily devotional book* published in 1993 and turned to March 17. I discovered a message relevant to 2020. The title was a question, “Do You Worry?” followed by a passage from Psalms.

All living things look to You for food,
and You give it to them at the right time.
You open Your hand, and You satisfy all living things.
Psalm 145: 15-16

The author then explained that the word "worry" comes from a word meaning "to divide." When we worry, our focus is divided and we become our own problem. I knew I needed to refocus and trust God to provide what I need.

A couple mornings later, I woke up concerned about my health. What does a person do if they begin experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus? During my isolation, I had heard many "don'ts" but hadn’t discovered many "do’s."

Again, I reached for my devotional book and turned to March 19. “Trust in the Lord” was the heading this time, accompanied by another portion from Psalms.

God, I look to You for help. I trust in You, Lord.
Psalm 141:8 

The author spoke directly to my heart’s concern when he said, "Do not put your hope in things that can change—relationships, money, talents, beauty, even health. Set your sights on the things that can never change: trust in your heavenly Father."

God knew I needed to trust Him for nutritious food and ways to respond to health issues. I refocused my thoughts on His love and faithfulness. He is the One who never changes, though everything in our world may shift, instilling fear in our hearts.

Some may remember how brave and united our country was during World War II.  Civilians and military alike were rushing into harm’s way to save our nation. Today, heroes in our nation and around the world are putting themselves in danger to avert the spread of this invisible virus, and one great way we can all participate and live above fear is to pray for them and one another as we have been doing in all times of threat.

Even though we have and will suffer heartbreaking losses personally and as a nation, we can trust our never-changing God. With His power and grace, our nation did come back following World War II, and we will come back again from COVID-19.

* Walking with the Shepherd, by Max Lucado


My blog is a safe place to think, feel, and be honest about loss and life, fear and freedom. I'm looking forward to sharing our struggles and sorrows with one another, as well as the victories God gives us on our new path to freedom. Fear often grips me,...